Give your large dog adult dog the nutrition they need to thrive with Carniwel's specially formulated dry dog food. Made with high-quality ingredients, including rice, dehydrated chicken protein, vegetable protein isolate, vegetable lipids rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, marine fish protein, fresh lamb, fresh fish, Antarctic krill, and vegetable fibers, Carniwel provides essential nutrients for your dog's overall health and well-being. Our unique blend also includes marine lipids rich in EPA and DHA, yeast extracts containing beta-glucan & MOS, L-carnitine, minerals, glucosamine, chondroitin, and antioxidants. Carniwel's formula is specially designed to support your large dog adult dog's easy digestion, joint support, digestive health, and skin & coat health. Plus, our formula promotes gut health, cardiac health, and optimal skin & coat. With Carniwel, you can ensure your large dog adult dog receives the essential nutrients needed for a healthy and active lifestyle. Choose Carniwel for a happy, healthy life for your large dog adult dog!
Key Features
- Ideal for Large Breed Adult (1 year+) : Carniwel dry dog food is specifically formulated for large dog puppies to meet their unique dietary needs.
- Comprehensive Nutrition: Carniwel Dog Food provides complete and balanced nutrition for overall health and development.
- Great for Large Breed Puppies: Our formula for dog food is specially made for large dog puppies, considering their unique dietary needs, ensuring it's just right for your growing furry friend.
- Supports Easy Digestion: Our formula is designed to be easily digested, providing enhanced support for your puppy's digestive system, keeping their tummy happy and healthy.
- Cardiac Health: Carniwel Dog food Rich in Taurine from Chicken Protein, Omega-3 from Marine Fish Protein and supplemented with B6, B9, B12 and Magnesium, our adult formula enhances heart health, supporting cardiovascular function in large dogs.
Fresh Lamb, Antarctic Krill, Fresh Fish, Rice, Dehydrated Chicken Protein